For Pup’s Sake

Go Bandanas
5 min readJul 5, 2021

You have probably arrived home from a long walk through a park or a beach and your dog’s paws have picked up a lot of debris, mud and dirt in the process. This would be multiplied twofold if you’ve ventured out during the rains. But not only muddy paw prints should evoke the question of how to clean your dog’s paws after a walk.

Buddy enjoying his daily dose of puddle muddle, on a visit to the dog park.

Routine Check:

Cleaning your dog’s paws after a walk should be part of your daily routine. After all the paws are the dirtiest part of your dog’s body, wherever they go. Besides the dirt and bacteria, it’s also important to regularly assess the health of your dog’s paws.

Possible Risks:

  • Not only is visible dirt a potential health hazard but also the millions of bacteria’s that come with it. Bacteria will accumulate around your dog’s paw pad and also spread around your house.
  • A simple cut, crack or wound could start an infection when germs are able to enter the broken tissue.
  • Cleaning them will give you a chance of checking the pad for wounds or between the toes for inflammation.
  • Parasites like ticks love hiding between the toes and are therefore well protected from the eyes of the parent.
  • You may also find thorns or other small, sharp objects stuck between the paws that could get infected if left untreated.

Pro Tip: In case, you notice a minor or deep cut then you can first clean them with Betadine scrub solution and then apply Betadine ointment. Do visit your vet post these methods.

Shweta, Founder and Head Groomer at Garfield N’ Goofy cleaning a pupper paw at the comfort of their home.

Is It OK to Wash Dog Paws Every Day?

Generally, it is okay to wash your dog’s paws every day. It greatly depends on the type of activity you are doing with your dog. Daily walks through muddy areas like beach or park will require more cleaning than a walk through the neighborhood in summer or winter. It should be sufficient to check and clean the paws every week. However, if your dog has walked in puddles, salt, or muddy ground, he/she will need cleaning more frequently. If your dog is prone to allergies, rinsing them with water will keep the allergens at bay.

Dogs produce sweat around the areas that are not covered with fur which are the nose and paw pads. Drying them after a walk is necessary to get rid of any moisture, if neglected it can catch bacteria which can develop in to a yeast infection.

Always use pet wipes like Petkins, or microfiber or absorbent towel to clean your dog paws post every walk. You can then use one of the home remedies mentioned below and apply a good paw butter like PetVeda (Natural Soothing butter) on your dog paws to further moisturize them.

Pro-tip: If you wish to dry your pet body or paws with the hair dryer, always start from hind legs and then slowly reach the upper body. Avoid taking hair dryer on your dog’s face because the high velocity air can irritate them, you can instead use any paper wipes to dry their face.

Home Remedies to Clean your Dog Paws:

While the above-mentioned methods are proven to be very effective when it comes to cleaning paws, you may also be interested in home remedies that are safer and natural. You may want to try them first before treating your dog with something that is as natural as coconut oil or vinegar.

DIY Paw Disinfectant Spray & Oil:

Equipment: Spray Bottle, oil bottle

Ingredients: Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) or white vinegar, Betadine scrub solution, Coconut oil, Distilled water.


Method 1 — For Safeguarding from Bacteria’s:

  • In the spray bottle mix 50ml ACV, 50ml distilled water and 2–3 drops of betadine scrub solution, do not use tap water as it may contain bacteria. Mix & Shake it well.
  • Generously spray on all four paws. Gently hold your dog’s paws in your hand until the solution evaporates.

Note: ACV has anti-fungal properties and gets rid of smelly feet by making your dog’s paws inhospitable to bacteria.

A healthy fur-ball like Sunday equals a furever bond. Picture: Pawparazzi, Prathima

Method 2 — For Cracked Paws:

  • In the oil bottle mix ACV and coconut oil. It helps to fight with infection and bacteria.
  • Coconut oil is antimicrobial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial. It also promotes wound healing and soothes cracked paws.

P.S.: Try to keep your dog from licking his paws as much as you can because coconut oil is irresistible for them. You won’t have to worry about any ingestion, since coconut oil is extremely beneficial for your dog’s overall health too.

Dog Boots:

Dog boots are not only a fashionable and cute accessory that enhances the overall look of your canine friend, but also serves the purpose of providing protection to them. They are usually designed with tough, flexible yet soft and comfortable waterproof fabric that protects your dog’s paws from the hot pavement, rain, sharp objects, etc. The dog boots also keep out bacteria so that the paws are not susceptible to infections.

While dog boots are not directly a cleaning method, they are however the best way to prevent your dog’s paws from getting dirty in the first place. Try to avoid the midday heat and rather go for a walk in the mornings or late evenings when the sun has already set.

Product Pick:

The Trixie Walker Care Comfort Protective Dog Boots is my number one recommendation. These boots come in different sizes and materials. Remember to dry off the paws even after a summer walk in the boots.

Pro Tip: You can use either a dry dog shampoo or corn starch to clean your dog’s paws without having to rinse or use water. Just sprinkle the product on his paws. Remove the excess using a brush with soft bristles. You will also get rid of the dirt and dust from your pet’s paws.

Product Pick: PetVeda No Rinse Foaming Dry Shampoo

It’s impossible to keep your dog’s feet completely clean, especially if your dog enjoys multiple walks and puppy play dates at the park. But for dog’s sake, it’s better to do something than nothing at all. A quick clean can decrease the chance of allergies, infection, and bacterial build-up. A clean dog is a happy dog, and a happy dog equals a happy parent!

#HappyPupper #AwesomePawsome



Go Bandanas

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